Thursday, March 27, 2008

Off my game

What the hell is my problem today!? I am walking around the office as if I just ingested a pint of Drano. Not thinking clearly. I just went to the coffee machine to get a fresh cup of black nectar. It is really a very simple machine. Just select the coffee, insert the pod in the machine, push the start button -- that's it... doesn't require an advanced degree to make this thing tick.

Mindlessly, I chose my coffee flavor, "double-dutch chocolate Columbian rhubarb" or something equally improbable, inserted the pod, then paced stupidly around the coffee room. Then, having realized I hadn't pushed the start button, I corrected my mistake and continued to amble around the break area. Ten seconds later my mindless wanderings are interrupted by this incessant dripping noise -- shit no coffee cup! [dash across the room] Slamming the coffee cup into the machine just in time to capture the remaining 1/2 ounce of coffee dispensed by the machine. Shit! Now I have to do it all over again, only this time it warrants more of my attention.

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